Thursday, 26 May 2011

an audio podcast test post...

weary_blues.m4a Listen on Posterous
This is a podcast I've literally just recorded.

It's something I've been meaning to try out for a long time but for one reason or another I just haven't got round to it.

Then today, my facebook friend and haiku writer John Tiong Chunghoo posted a haiku he had written for the great poet Langston Hughes, which reminded me that I used to perform this poem as part of my live set.

I don't think a recording of it exists anywhere, and if it does, it won't be very good, or at least I won't be happy with it.

I recorded it straight into my macbook. No messing around with levels and gain and impedance and all the jiggery pokery of the previous recordings I've done, no flickering needles or green and red LEDs, no cueing up tapes and demanding silence in the room, just one quick take and the job's done. I was just sitting on my bed with the macbook in front of me, using the tiny built-in microphone.

I even managed to listen back to it without shouting at myself (something I just don't do normally, but I had to make sure you could hear it).

My first thought was to post it on youtube, but it isn't video. I hastily gathered some images of first-generation bluesmen such as Lightnin' Hopkins, Howlin' Wolf etc and messed around with imovie to make it acceptable for youtube, then I remembered that some of my electronically musical friends use soundcloud to share their work, and posted it there. I then discovered that I can post it here too!

My deep and sincere thanks to John for prompting this, it could be the beginning of a whole new chapter for me.

1 comment:

John Tiong Chunghoo said...

read more for us if you can. you be the resident poet of my facebook.