Monday 7 April 2008


After two sessions of Bowens Technique, my shoulder was as bad as when I started, and I was £60 worse off. I phoned the therapist, who said we might try a session of Kinesiology, which I was happy to go along with, even though it cost a further £20.
The session involved myself and two women, my regular therapist, and her colleague.
We sat in a semi-circle, and one of them held onto me, either my arm, my shoulder, or sometimes the top of my head, while I held various phials in my right hand. The one holding onto me then held out their left arm level with their shoulder, and the other applied pressure to the top of their hand. Depending on whether the arm gave resistance or flopped down, a decision was made. This went on for around 30 minutes, during which time I was requested not to let my mind wander and to "stay in the room". I held onto a variety of phials, sometimes two together, while they mumbled and wrote down various indecipherable notes. At the end of it all it was "revealed" that I was low in zinc, which was hampering my recovery, and I was "prescribed" two tablets of zinc a day (which were conveniently sold in the downstairs health-food shop). It has made absolutely no difference, I have forgotten about taking the zinc, and while I wouldn't go so far as to say the whole thing is a con, I don't have much confidence in it. I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
Fortunately, I had an excellent physiotherapist recommended to me, who seems to have sorted everything out. Phew.

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