Tuesday 6 November 2007


These have been cropping up quite a bit recently; when I stopped smoking in March, I elected to use Champix, which is a 12 week course of medication designed to break the habit (it worked very well for me).
After my bilateral hernia operation in August I was discussing my cycling prospects with my GP - he told me he had been to a seminar on post operative muscle regeneration, and the concensus was that for the muscles to regain full tensile strength they should be rested for 12 weeks.
I have started attending meditation classes, and last week were discussing the benefits of chanting and mantras, in particular the "ah" which signifies beginnings - it is thought that if you wish something to begin in your life, you sing or chant the mantra twice daily for, you guessed it, 12 weeks, while visualising what it is you want (I'm currently working on losing weight and getting fitter, so I'm visualising scales) then the chanting will help it come to fruition.
Surely no coincidence then that 12 weeks is roughly a quarter of a year, and therefore a season? Doubtless I've picked the wrong season (winter) to be trying to shed some pounds, but I shall persist and we shall see. Having given up smoking I feel I can achieve anything. (well almost)

My wife has a course for unlocking creativity called "Finding Water" - I believe this is also a 12 week course. I knew there was something else as I was writing this last night but could not recall what it was, then woke up thinking about it this morning, as is usually the way.

edit 2:
the 12 step plan for alcoholics and drug addicts is another example.

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