Monday 5 November 2007


This year, November 5th falls on a Monday, which means that some people have their bonfire on Saturday, some on Sunday, and some on Monday. Oh Joy. I have to constantly remind myself that here in West Wales it's not as bad as in Leicester, where Diwali and Bonfire Night combine into a mass firework bombardment that seems to last through the whole of October and November. I was traumatised by having bangers thrown at me as a child, and many other things have conspired to traumatise me since, but no amount of Cognitive Therapy can stop the sheer terror brought on by the various flashes bangs and screeches of "domestic" fireworks. How something so potentially lethal and dangerous can be described as domestic is beyond me. Surely there are laws as to how far away from houses you need to be? This legislation has existed for a long time with regard to air rifles, so why not fireworks?
Fortunately, our children were not clamouring to go to a display, and don't know what they're missing, but it is now disturbing their sleep.
I'd like to see a complete ban on the sale of so-called "domestic" fireworks, though I doubt I will.

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