Friday 23 November 2007


After a dreadful night's sleep (kept waking up with a splitting headache - eventually took some painkillers at 5:30 but was up and about around 7am) I walked the kids to school then went and did a bit of shopping with wife and twins. It kept my mind off the meeting with management at work today, but didn't last long enough so went for a slow bikeride round the dock to test out my new longjohns and tyres... both seemed to perform well enough.
The meeting at work was informal and constructive. I am very lucky with the manager I have. I have elected to go through the formal grievance procedure, but having viewed the guidance there is a different procedure for harrassment, discrimination and bullying, which again has a separate clause for if the allegations are against a Union Official. It appears this is far more of a golden opportunity than I first imagined, the only problem being the lack of witnesses, but there is plenty of supporting evidence in the emails MK has been firing off left right and centre about me, and plenty of history I can build a case on. I wish I could say that I am coping with the stress of all this, but I really don't feel I am. I have a lot of pain in my neck and shoulders, which could be related to the bad cough I have suddenly developed, but I think, coupled with the bad night of sleep and the headaches, that it is probably stress-related. I feel I should discuss things with my doctor, and not just for the purpose of supporting the case. I do not want to have any more time off work, but would like people to know what's going on. I missed my meditation session yesterday because I just felt too drained to make the journey. If I cycle, it's going to be physically demanding, if I get the train it's going to be stressful, and I didn't feel up to either, which is a shame as it would have done me good to go.
I feel both relieved and apprehensive now that I've made things official - I'm aware that these things are apt to blow up in one's face.

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