Friday 16 November 2007


A good day today. Dragged myself out of bed around 10, having decided that today was the day the shed gets sorted. There's nothing like a bit of work to make one realise how precious time is! If it doesn't get done now then I can't attempt it till the end of next week. It's not an easy task, and is dependent on the house being child free. The shed door faces the bottom of the stairs. Everything needed to come out so that I could remove an old shelf unit we'd inherited from the previous tenants, so the living room was full of toolboxes and suchlike and the yard was full of bicycles and their paraphernalia. I ran out of time and had to shove a lot of stuff back willy-nilly before the kids got home from school, but it's much better than it was and the rest can be organised at leisure. Had a good evening keeping the kids amused with some handwarmers bought from Lidl, the gymball and a few tunes on mediaplayer - Oliver particularly likes the visualisations, and they all like singing along and cavorting round the room.
I've decided I'm going to buy Dylan a special present, for being so caring after I came out of hospital in September. He was very diligent, and wouldn't let me leave the house without him there to hold my hand and "help me walk", which I think is something which shouldn't go unrecognised. I have £25 of Argos vouchers from work, and I know he'd like a full-face helmet for riding his bike in, and they just happen to have one at Argos for...£25, which seems to serendipitous to miss. They've been told that if the weather is good then they get their breakfast and then out on their bikes for the whole morning. They've only just learned to ride, and they need the practice. If it's raining, then they'll be doing christmas-related arts and crafts upstairs while I continue with my shedwork.
Occasionally I miss the ritual friday-night-down-the-pub, but the pain which alcohol produces just doesn't make it a viable proposition. Hopefully Dave and I will get a walk in this weekend. I could do with one.

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