Sunday 25 November 2007


Got up fairly early, feeling a little groggy (time of year and medication combined) and it was fairly obvious that church wasn't really a viable option - I felt quite phlegmy, and it was plain to see that the older children were also a bit under the weather. The twins were one and the other - M had streaming eyes and nose and was crying at everything while O charged around the house like a bullock in Pamplona. I considered taking the older two for a bikeride, but it didn't materialise - D became sulky about nothing in particular and got sent to bed, and J and I walked down to Tesco to get some bits for dinner (homemade Fish Pie, went down very well). In the afternoon they all played in their rooms and I was able to read a bit of the paper. Good supplement about baking with children. I'm currently getting back into baking bread. Tonight I've made a sourdough sponge as the base for some rye bread to be made tomorrow. Made parkin yesterday which turned out loads better than the last one (didn't use any treacle, just golden syrup, and this recipe calls for brown ale - used Old Peculier) Baking feels like the right thing to be doing at the moment. I'm focussing quite well on the dinners too - we had an excellent curry on Friday, and the kids ate the leftovers with some tuna risotto yesterday. Compared to most kids I suppose they are excellent eaters and will try anything, but it's such a pain in the arse getting them to sit down and behave at mealtimes. Maybe it's time to change the routine somehow. The twins see mealtimes as a time to get attention. D can't sustain the effort even though he loves his food, and he gets easily distracted. J just gets on with it.
I feel a bit edgy now, (11:30) as I haven't had much exercise, and my thoughts are edging towards tomorrow, no matter how much I head them off...

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