Tuesday 22 January 2008


Right now, and I know it won't last long, I feel at peace with everything around me. I feel on top of my problems and burdens, and that I can afford to relax for a few moments.
Yesterday there was a memorial "jam" session in Leicester for my good friend James Gamble who passed away last summer. I never did intend to be there, but it was nice that his sister and PJ both got in touch with me on the day, so even from so far away, I felt a part of it. I said my goodbyes at the funeral, where I was roped in as pall bearer, which was an honour, and something which I never thought I would experience.
The house is silent, and I wish it could be like this, even just for a few minutes, during the day. The problem is they are small houses crammed too close together with no sound insulation whatsoever - I can hear my neighbour walking upstairs, which he seems to do with remarkable frequency. The problems we have had with the bassplayer have made me dread hearing a sound from there house lest it be starting up again, but I know I have the support of the Council and the Police in this matter.
Tomorrow I need to be up early, to see if younger daughter needs to go to the doctor, and also to book myself an appointment, in order to discuss changes in my medication, as advised by the doctor at the memory clinic. I may just ask for the next appointment with the regular GP I see and trust.
I shall now go to bed and attempt to concentrate on The Northern Lights (Philip Pullman) from where I left off, which was on the train back from Yorkshire.

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