Monday 28 January 2008


I am feeling pretty good today. Woke around 9 but lounged around in bed for a while. As soon as I got up the first thing on my mind was the Work/Union situation, and I fired off a couple of related texts and emails, but frankly nobody else seems to care about it, so why should I? I'm seriously thinking about handing in my notice at work, though I would prefer to be sacked, as it would make me financially better off.
There was an email awaiting me from Paul Smith at Pembrokeshire Council asking about Saturday's ride which cheered me up immensely, and I'll make a point of travelling over to Haverfordwest to meet up with him during the week.
Physically, I have a bit of pain at the right side of my pelvis, which seems to be a common occurrence after any exertion, maybe I'll just have to work through it,, or learn to live with it, but it's annoying and depressing that after a curative operation I find myself in more pain than previously.
It's hard to tell if the change of antidepressant is affecting my mood, or if I'm doing it myself. Probably a bit of both. Exercise certainly plays a large part in it.

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