Sunday 6 January 2008


I suppose this is the final weekend before "everything is back to normal" and the majority of routine-laden people heave a collective sigh of relief and welcome back their humdrum monotony.
In our domain it is anything but normal. Wife starts a new job at the local school on Monday, while I continue with my despised job, still on part-time hours. On Thursday I travel to Leeds to meet with the Union bigwigs. I've managed to turn it into a long weekend with a little help from sis-in-law and a few mobloggers who want to meet up in Leeds on the Saturday, which has helped take my mind off the task in hand.
I've managed to "keep busy" these past 2 days - yesterday I managed to get myself to the gym with a minimum of anxiety, and had quite a strenuous workout, which left me energised for the rest of the day, and on into today, when I got up determined that my bike would get cleaned today if it killed me. Outside was cold and rainy so I scraped most of the mud off and brought the bike into the kitchen for the more intricate work, only when I'd finished, it became apparent that all was not well with the bottom bracket, which was issuing clanks bangs and grinds with every push on the pedals, so I rode it over to Enterprise Bikeshop at Honeyborough, and took along my contact details as Liaison Ranger.
I had to leave the bike there, and after a brief chat I walked back (about 3 miles), regretting not having taken my camera with me. It was quite arduous as I was walking in my cycling shoes, which cause aching shins after a mile or so, and when I got back there were a few ominous pains in my abdomen, which didn't feel very therapeutic at all. They are still there, down the left side of my stomach, but only hurt when I apply pressure to the area. The bike will be ready early next week, so I decided to bring my road bike out of hibernation, and managed to forget to take a lock with me down to Tesco, so I made the trip twice, which was a bit more unexpected exercise. I was worried that I might need to raise the handlebars to ride comfortably, but I was actually more comfortable than I had expected to be, which is encouraging, as I much prefer my road bike for lengthier journeys, such as Tenby and back for the meditation sessions.
Having had quite a hectic day I decided it was time to get back into the breadmaking I have neglected over the Christmas holidays. I have some new local flour and some new recipe books, and am currently trying a new recipe for "Bara Can" (Sunday White Bread) from a booklet of welsh recipes. It is cooking now and smells divine.

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