Wednesday 19 December 2007


Today was, unexpectedly, the last day I will work until the 31st December. My supervisor announced halfway through my four long hours that there was leave available over the next few days and that she didn't think I'd turn it down... how intuitive! I did consider leaving work early, but I cottoned on to the fact that no-one in the office gave a flying fuck if any work got done, so I thought I may as well sit around and get paid for it, and I'm glad I did.
I managed to fire off a stunning piece of emailery to a variety of union reps designed to get a few danders up - I specifically asked, in light of my friend announcing last week that he was "taking a back seat" vis a vis union duties due to ill-health, who our Equality Officer is. Having been blocked from rejoining the BEC as an Equality Rep, I thought it only fair and just to ask.
Well fuck it, the whole thing is really giving me some serious stress, so I've decided to have a laugh at everyone else's expense and make the stupid bastards show themselves up to be the fools they are. The dimwitted Treasurer's email forbidding me to go to last week's meeting was a gift from heaven, far too good not to be forwarded to my manager, who kindly took me aside and explained that this put a whole different perspective on things, and that the complaint has been passed up well beyond him into the higher echelons of HR, so the whole thing will be investigated by outsiders. Hoo-fucking-ray, Bring It On! It occurred to me that things will not begin happening until after the season of goodwill is over, and I didn't really want the main protagonist to be sleeping too easily over christmas, so a few hints have been dropped - receiving an email from the piece he is doubtlessly shagging saying she is "sick of all the bickering, it's worse than being at school" I replied with some serious causticity along the lines of finding it refreshing that she should term something as serious as bullying and harrassment "bickering" and including a link to the guidance on bullying and harrassment. She is a bit thick so I don't expect the penny to drop for a good while yet, but I'm sure she will mention to the relevant ears what she has received.
Some MK-isms:
(overheard during a Reps Course after a long session on Diversity, in particular racism, hosted in part by a black woman:
"I had to laugh when they wheeled in the darkie - couldn't they have found one in a wheelchair just to complete the picture?"
(spoken in front of the entire BEC last week, while relating the tale of how a disabled person, upon using the disabled toilet in a brand new government building, had pulled the supporting brackets from the wall and had broken a couple of fingers in the process) "You shouldn't laugh, but..." (nobody was)
A reason given for me not being able to be co-opted onto the BEC: "He's only back at work part-time on medical grounds, he wouldn't be able to stand the pressures of being a rep".
HOW do these people reach positions of power???

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