Saturday 15 December 2007


Looking back over the comments I have made concerning the grievance procedure at work, I am absolutely astounded at how big a case this has mushroomed into. When it all kicked off, I felt a bit like I was the one doing the harrassing, despite his threats, but little did I realise the depth of antipathy towards this fascist bastard whose latest excuse for keeping me out of the union committee is that I am on PTMG and wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of union duties. This feels to me far worse than anything he's said up to now as it is totally discriminatory - he has not discussed any of this with me, just arrived at his own conclusion which is just another pathetic attempt to keep me off the BEC. I genuinely wish this guy harm, and that is not a feeling I like to hold within me. I had thought I was the only person who harboured an irrational hatred for this man, but it seems I am far from alone, and I have opened up a can of worms which hides a nest of vipers. I would love to see the bastard publicly humiliated, but he's not the kind of guy it happens to. To begin with I was a bit worried that the whole thing would blow up in my face, and I still am, though less so now. He's so thick skinned I doubt there's much can penetrate through to actually hurt him. I would like this to be over as soon as possible, but it's not looking good. The Union "are aware of the matter" and have chastised me for suggesting they might want to get a move on with this. At work, the red tape and procedures are equally endless... this is going to drag on and drag on, and despite a growing amount of evidence, I'm still not convinced that the outcome will be worth the effort. Christ, I've only been back at work a few weeks! Why did I bother?

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