Saturday 1 December 2007


It has been a busy week - besides work I have had emails flying between myself and a few union officials, but don't yet seem to be making much headway.
On Wednesday I attended an Expert Patient Programme day which was very useful - there were presentations from some healthcare professionals and managers, particularly useful was the presentation about Exercise On Prescription, and I spoke at length about this to the pseron afterwards. It was very nice to see some of the people from the Course and chat with them, and being there spurred me into making the journey to Tenby on Thursday evening for the meditation session, which as usual was excellent, even though there were only Ann and myself present.
After cycling to Haverfordwest and back on Wednesday and to Tenby and back on Thursday (a total of between 40 and 50 miles) I was very tired on Friday, especially around my knees.
Notwithstanding, I got an appointment to see Dr Evans, and talked him into a referral to the Exercise on Prescription, and went from there straight to the Leisure Centre to get started. I had a consultation with Carol, who will be working with me, completed the mountain of paperwork, and I will commence twice-weekly sessions in the gym starting Monday. I then set out to find some suitable footwear, which is no easy task around yur.
Today the family are out at a craft fair all day, leaving me in peace to get some rest and recuperation. Tomorrow I'm being collected at 8:30am to go for a 10 mile walk in the Preselis with a few chaps from work. I'm glad of the business as it is a distraction from the aforementioned hassles at work, which I do not intend to dwell on until there is some development. I have been making bread on a daily basis with mixed results, and have bought some new equipment - some digital scales, a new wooden board and a granite board for rolling and pastry. We've done some rearrangement in the kitchen, but it's still pretty chaotic.
The weather today is heavy rain and howling gales, and I don't really want to venture out unless I have to, but I think I may need a few things for baking.

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